A very long-awaited game has just joined the Android gaming world and we cannot be more excited. Coming from a well-known studio like EA Games, and with many years of entertainment provided to PC game players, we’re sure that Apex Legends Mobile is not only here to stay but also to provide us with hours and hours of fun. Let’s learn more about our Game of the Week!
Apex Legends Mobile is a strategy battle royale shooter game that features many of the characters we already know. This multiplayer game offers very fast-paced combats on which learning to master team roles and to synergize forces will be the key for success. Although it comes with several game modes, the core battle royale remains to be the beating heart of Apex Legends Mobile. On top of that, we find the Ranked Play and the Arena mode, along with a mobile-exclusive TDM mode that features 6v6 intense battles.
Although we already know Apex Legends from its PC version and the Nintendo Switch experience - which in reality didn’t really work - we cannot say that the Android version is a direct port of the game we already know. Apex Legends Mobile is its own standalone experience optimized for mobile devices and this means that we’re not talking about a cross-platform game. Your progress, stats and unlocks will not leave your Android device which, for a game that already got such a long run on PC, is a bit disappointing.
Apex Legends Mobile uses Unreal Engine 4 to create amazing graphics on which textures, gestures and moves look extremely real. Combined with great voice acting, it provides an immersive experience only comparable to PC and console games. Another very interesting point in Apex Legends Mobile is that the UI and layouts are quite customizable; you can change almost anything, like playing with three or 4 fingers. It also comes with a third person play option (something we haven’t really seen before) that provides a better understanding of the surroundings.
It doesn’t really matter if you’re already familiar with Bangalore, Bloodhound, Caustic, or any of the 10 original legends. Apex Legends Mobile is a game for all battle royale and shooting-game lovers and we’re sure you should give it a try. Don’t forget to let us know what you think in our social media channels!